Friday, May 6, 2011

Yet ANOTHER Bucket List: 101 Things in 1001 Days!

So I am the queen of making lists! To-do lists, lists of movies I have to watch (now currently a 3 page long Excel spreadsheet), lists of songs I need to download (a blue stickie on my desktop), lists of activities I want to do in Philly before I leave….Lists, lists, lists! I also currently have a whopping 3 bucket lists: 1. My ultimate life bucket list of stuff I want to do before I die, 2. My senior year bucket list of stuff I want to do before graduating (sadly, I haven’t accomplished even half of the stuff on the list), and 3. BEST OF ALL, MY NEWEST “101 Things in 1001 Days Project"!!

So I came upon this website, during one of my 5am-can’t-put-my-laptop-down-for-the-life-of-me-even-though-my-eyes-are-bleeding sessions, called Basically the challenge is to complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days (about 2.75 years). This list is better than and different from a regular bucket list, which has the ridiculous deadline of YOUR ENTIRE LIFETIME, and you’re able to put more specific, pro-active, and realistic tasks on there, for example: #39 – Start a blog.

It took me FOREVER and a day to come up with my list of 101 Things, but here are some of my favorites:

3. Crowd surf at a concert (for the record, I HATE crowd surfers at concerts, but I’ve always secretly envied them)

6. Live in a city and own/ride a bike (again, I HATE cyclists, but always envied how free/cool they look)

9. Go skinny dipping (didn’t get a chance to in Sydney although it seems like the rest of my 29 roommates did at some point...)

42. Get a thai massage (click here to see what I'm talking about)

56. Try absinthe

58. Learn the “Single Ladies” dance

61. Travel back to Sydney (well duh!)

72. Learn to parallel park

75. Treat a homeless person to dinner and learn their story

86. Adopt an accent for a day

93. Go wedding dress shopping for kicks and giggles

94. Chatroulette with randoms while drunk (if you’re not familiar with, check it out and prepare yourself to see a strange man or two’s hairy genitalia)

I encourage you all to make a "101 Things in 1001 Days" list!

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